Selected Publications

Selected Legal Experience of GAGV Staff
Counsel for numerous cities and counties in suits for gun violence costs (including New York City, New Orleans, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Washington, D.C., Gary, IN, Miami-Dade).
Counsel for victims of mass shootings against assault weapons and high-capacity magazine manufacturers and sellers (including shootings at Poway Synagogue, Gilroy Garlic Festival, Sutherland Springs church, Odessa, TX, Dayton, OH.).
Won precedent-setting arguments for gun industry liability including in Supreme Courts and appeals courts of Alaska, Kansas, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, and trial courts in Oregon, West Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and many other states.
Won first appeals ruling that U.S. gun industry shield law is unconstitutional.
Won first ruling that gun manufacturer can be liable for unintentional shooting.
Won first settlement with gun manufacturer for liability in criminal shootings.
Won first post-industry shield settlement with gun manufacturer for liability for gun crime.
Helped win over $100 million in settlements and verdicts in gun cases.
Won federal appeals ruling upholding gun carry law under Second Amendment.
Won first appeals ruling that internet gun market could be liable for shooting (later reversed).
Brought successful lawsuit striking down law requiring guns in homes.
Brought successful lawsuit striking down law prohibiting doctors from discussing guns.
Argued in federal appeals court for precedent-setting liability of online gun market for two gun murders.
Wrote numerous amicus briefs on the Second Amendment and other gun issues for U.S. Supreme Court, federal courts of appeal and trial courts.

Selected Media, Public Appearances, and Presentations
New Yorker “Politics and More” Podcast, “Can Suing Gun Manufacturers Reduce Gun Violence?”, 8/4/22.
Federalist Society Annual Conference, panel on Second Amendment, 11/13/21.
Remarks at U.S. Supreme Court briefing, 12/2/19.
Federalist Society Annual Conference, panel on Second Amendment, 11/15/19.
Federalist Society, panel on Second Amendment, 1/15/19.
Gun issue discussions on C-SPAN, Washington Journal, 4/1/12, 1/17/13, 7/20/13, 12/14/14.
American Bar Association, Summer Meeting, Firearms Policy and Law, 8/7/14.
U.S. Senate, Committee on Judiciary, Subcommittee, submitted testimony, “Stand Your Ground” Laws, 9/17/13; “Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence,” 2/12/13.
Gun Industry Immunity, “The Rachel Maddow Show,” MSNBC, 3/8/13.
Forum with (ret.) Justice John Paul Stevens, 10/ 15/12.
Numerous speeches, including at American Medical Association, American Bar Association, Nat. Conf. of State Legislatures, Cato Institute, Harvard and Yale Law Schools.
Numerous interviews, including CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, CBS News, NPR, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Time.