What do you do when you lose a son? Take it from Manuel Oliver, the father of Parkland shooting victim Joaquin Oliver: you have to do what you do best. Fearless, funny, and pulling zero punches, Guac is a one-man tour-de-force theatrical experience about a father turned activist, his undying love for his son, and the story of an immigrant family in search of the American Dream only instead to be confronted by a uniquely American Nightmare.
Date: February 6, 2023
Time: Doors open at 7:30 PM
Location: Woolly Mammoth Theater
641 D Street NW, Washington DC 20004
Other Details: Reception to follow

Sponsorship Opportunities
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You can also click here to give online to the event or send your sponsor check to:
10001 Georgetown Pike
P.O. Box 18
Great Falls, VA 22066